Women in art using open source technology

This is a 3-part article series about open hardware and the intersection of art and innovation. Addie, Dianne, and Stefanie come from different parts of the world, but all aim to level the obstacles that have stood in their way. They do this by using open source hardware to share their art, work, and build community.

My role on this project was animated promo for the series, which launched on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2018. I got to work with incredible women on this project: Dawn Quinn, Liz Wetzel, Claire Allison, and Rachel Rooney to name a few. This one will always hold a special place for me because of how inspiring the women’s stories were, and just how meta it felt to be working on this with other talented women in my creative field. Which, the rarity of such a predominantly female team wasn’t lost on me.

Check out the web experience for this brand journalism project here.


The Red Hat story